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Ultimate 410 gone status code WordPress Plugin

Ultimate 410 status code - iconWordPress Plugin: Ultimate 410 status code

The easy “410 – gone” status code Plugin for WordPress: Featuring .csv bulk upload, manual and regex entry, and 410 option, when deleting pages, posts, categories and tags.

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  • When deleting pages, posts, categories or tags from WordPress, the ultimate 410 status code will ask if a 410 response code should be set for the deleted URL.
  • Add 410 URLs manually
  • Add 410 URL  via regex (regular expressions)
  • Bulk upload 410 URLs via csv-file.
    • even works if the csv-file contains a BOM
WordPress Plugin Ultimate 410 status code response


Can I customize the 410 response message?

The default message is a simple plain text message that reads “410 – gone”. This is because many people want to minimize the bandwidth that is used by error responses.

If you want to customize the message, just place a template file called 410.php in your theme folder (ideally in your child theme), and the plugin will automatically use that instead. Take a look at your theme’s 404.php file to see how the template needs to be structured.

Will this plugin work if a caching/performance plugin is active?

The plugin has been tested with the following caching plugins, and should work even if they are active:

  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Super Cache
  • Cache Enabler
  • WP Fastest Cache

We have not tested it with other caching plugins, and there is a high chance that it will not work with many of them. Most of them will cache the response as if it is a 404 (page not found) response, and issue a 404 response header instead of a 410 response header.

How do you handle trailing slashes?

The add URL function and also the upload considers the exact URL:

  • /page-to-be-deleted/ is different from
  • /page-to-be-deleted

Specify the exact URL that your site uses (with or without the trailing slash). If you want both URL (with and without the / at the end) to return 410 gone status code, you can use regex like this:

  • /page-to-be-deleted/?

Why set “410 gone” response status codes?

In accordance with the HTTP Specification, the 410 status code in the response header indicates that the requested resource is gone (permanently removed).